Since I do a lot of talking for a living, I’ve revamped my Videos and Podcasts page to include many more of the recordings I’ve done with folks over the last several years about quantum computing. Whatever else it is, it’s a gallery of strange frozen expressions on my face in the cover images.
Tag: podcast
Ethan Hansen and I talk about quantum computing in this new podcast
Please join Ethan Hansen and me on Spotify as we talk about quantum computing and my book Dancing with Qubits.
How to listen to my Packt podcast about quantum computing on your phone
The Packt podcast with me talking about my quantum computing and my book Dancing with Qubits is now available. Here is how you can listen to it on your iPhone. I presume the directions for Android are similar. Open the Podcasts app on your phone. Click the magnifying glass and type Packt into the search…
SoundCloud Packt podcast with me about Dancing with Qubits and #QuantumComputing
Please join Stacy Munro, Richard Gall, and me for a podcast discussion about my new book about quantum computing, Dancing with Qubits.
Podcast: Meet the meQuanics with Simon Devitt and me
My podcast with Simon Devitt discussing quantum computing, IBM Quantum, and my new book Dancing with Qubits is now available on Spotify.