Notable and Interesting Recent Quantum News, Articles, and Papers for Saturday, July 20, 2024

A selection of the most important recent news, articles, and papers about quantum computing.

Image of a cube-shaped futuristic quantum computer

News, Articles, and Analyses

The Long-Term Forecast for Quantum Computing Still Looks Bright – Boston Consulting Group

Authors: Jean-François Bobier; Matt Langione; Cassia Naudet-Baulieu; Zheng Cui; and Eitoku Watanabe

“Is quantum computing finally nearing the point where it can fulfill its transformative potential? The answer, right now, is mixed.”

Quantum June 2024 Monthly Market Snapshot Report – The Futurum Group

Author: Dr. Bob Sutor

“Learn about market & tech developments in the quantum computing industry in June 2024, including improved qubits and product sales & delivery.”

Technical Papers and Preprints

Physics – Mechanical Coupling to Spin Qubits

(Wednesday, June 26, 2024) “A vibrating nanobeam could be used to share information between distant solid-state spin qubits, potentially allowing use of these qubits in complex computations.”

Physics – Measuring Qubits with “Time Travel” Protocol

(Thursday, June 27, 2024) “Quantum sensing can benefit from entanglement protocols that can be interpreted as allowing qubits to go backward in time to choose an optimal initial state.”

[2407.13012] CUAOA: A Novel CUDA-Accelerated Simulation Framework for the QAOA

Authors: Stein, Jonas; Blenninger, Jonas; Bucher, David; Eder, Josef Peter; Çetiner, Elif; Zorn, Maximilian; Linnhoff-Popien, Claudia

arXiv logo(Wednesday, July 17, 2024) “The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a prominent quantum algorithm designed to find approximate solutions to combinatorial optimization problems, which are challenging for classical computers. In the current era, where quantum hardware is constrained by noise and limited qubit availability, simulating the QAOA remains essential for research. However, existing state-of-the-art simulation frameworks suffer from long execution times or lack comprehensive functionality, usability, and versatility, often requiring users to implement essential features themselves. Additionally, these frameworks are primarily restricted to Python, limiting their use in safer and faster languages like Rust, which offer, e.g., advanced parallelization capabilities. In this paper, we develop a GPU accelerated QAOA simulation framework utilizing the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit. This framework offers a complete interface for QAOA simulations, enabling the calculation of (exact) expectation values, direct access to the statevector, fast sampling, and high-performance optimization methods using an advanced state-of-the-art gradient calculation technique. The framework is designed for use in Python and Rust, providing flexibility for integration into a wide range of applications, including those requiring fast algorithm implementations leveraging QAOA at its core. The new framework’s performance is rigorously benchmarked on the MaxCut problem and compared against the current state-of-the-art general-purpose quantum circuit simulation frameworks Qiskit and Pennylane as well as the specialized QAOA simulation tool QOKit. Our evaluation shows that our approach outperforms the existing state-of-the-art solutions in terms of runtime up to multiple orders of magnitude. Our implementation is publicly available at and Zenodo.”

[2407.13616] Quantum Local Search for Traveling Salesman Problem with Path-Slicing Strategy

Authors: Liu, Chen-Yu; Matsuyama, Hiromichi; Huang, Wei-hao; Yamashiro, Yu

arXiv logo(Thursday, July 18, 2024) “We present novel path-slicing strategies integrated with quantum local search to optimize solutions for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), addressing the limitations of current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) technologies. Our hybrid quantum-classical approach leverages classical path initialization and quantum optimization to effectively manage the computational challenges posed by the TSP. We explore various path slicing methods, including k-means and anti-k-means clustering, to divide the TSP into manageable subproblems. These are then solved using quantum or classical solvers. Our analysis, performed on multiple TSP instances from the TSPlib, demonstrates the ability of our strategies to achieve near-optimal solutions efficiently, highlighting significant improvements in solving efficiency and resource utilization. This approach paves the way for future applications in larger combinatorial optimization scenarios, advancing the field of quantum optimization.”


Notable and Interesting Recent Quantum News, Articles, and Papers for Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A selection of the most important recent news, articles, and papers about quantum computing.

Image of a cube-shaped futuristic quantum computer

News, Articles, and Analyses

Infleqtion Leads the Way with First Quantum Computer Installation at NQCC — Infleqtion

(Tuesday, July 16, 2024) “We’re thrilled to announce the installation of our state-of-the-art neutral atom quantum computer at the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC). As the first company to deploy hardware under the NQCC’s quantum computing testbed programme, this milestone showcases our cutting-edge technology and de”

Oxford company unveils ‘pivotal’ quantum computing chip – BBC News

(Tuesday, July 16, 2024) “Oxford Ionics claim to have created the first quantum chip of its kind that could be mass-produced.”

Pritzker announces federal partner for quantum computing campus

(Wednesday, July 17, 2024) “CHICAGO (WCIA) — Illinois’ proposal to create a new quantum computing campus has a new partner with a federal agency. Governor J.B. Pritzker announced the partnership of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, part of the U.S. Department of Defense, with Illinois’ quantum computing campus Tuesday. The partnership is named Quantum Proving Ground. “The future of […]”

Technical Papers and Preprints

[2107.02151] Continuous Variable Quantum Algorithms: an Introduction

Authors: Buck, Samantha; Coleman, Robin; Sargsyan, Hayk

arXiv logo(Monday, July 05, 2021) “Quantum computing is usually associated with discrete quantum states and physical quantities possessing discrete eigenvalue spectrum. However, quantum computing in general is any computation accomplished by the exploitation of quantum properties of physical quantities, discrete or otherwise. It has been shown that physical quantities with continuous eigenvalue spectrum can be used for quantum computing as well. Currently, continuous variable quantum computing is a rapidly developing field both theoretically and experimentally. In this pedagogical introduction we present the basic theoretical concepts behind it and the tools for algorithm development. The paper targets readers with discrete quantum computing background, who are new to continuous variable quantum computing.”

Towards quantum enhanced adversarial robustness in machine learning | Nature Machine Intelligence

(Thursday, May 25, 2023) “To fulfil the potential of quantum machine learning for practical applications in the near future, it needs to be robust against adversarial attacks. West and colleagues give an overview of recent developments in quantum adversarial machine learning, and outline key challenges and future research directions to advance the field.”

[2407.02467] Error mitigation with stabilized noise in superconducting quantum processors

Authors: Kim, Youngseok; Govia, Luke C. G.; Dane, Andrew; Berg, Ewout van den; Zajac, David M.; Mitchell, Bradley; Liu, Yinyu; Balakrishnan, Karthik; Keefe, George; Stabile, Adam; Pritchett, Emily; Stehlik, Jiri; Kandala, Abhinav

arXiv logo(Tuesday, July 02, 2024) “Pre-fault tolerant quantum computers have already demonstrated the ability to estimate observable values accurately, at a scale beyond brute-force classical computation. This has been enabled by error mitigation techniques that often rely on a representative model on the device noise. However, learning and maintaining these models is complicated by fluctuations in the noise over unpredictable time scales, for instance, arising from resonant interactions between superconducting qubits and defect two-level systems (TLS). Such interactions affect the stability and uniformity of device performance as a whole, but also affect the noise model accuracy, leading to incorrect observable estimation. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that tuning of the qubit-TLS interactions helps reduce noise instabilities and consequently enables more reliable error-mitigation performance. These experiments provide a controlled platform for studying the performance of error mitigation in the presence of quasi-static noise. We anticipate that the capabilities introduced here will be crucial for the exploration of quantum applications on solid-state processors at non-trivial scales.”

[2407.05178] A typology of quantum algorithms

Authors: Arnault, Pablo; Arrighi, Pablo; Herbert, Steven; Kasnetsi, Evi; Li, Tianyi

arXiv logo(Saturday, July 06, 2024) “We draw the current landscape of quantum algorithms, by classifying about 130 quantum algorithms, according to the fundamental mathematical problems they solve, their real-world applications, the main subroutines they employ, and several other relevant criteria. The primary objectives include revealing trends of algorithms, identifying promising fields for implementations in the NISQ era, and identifying the key algorithmic primitives that power quantum advantage.”


Notable and Interesting Recent Quantum News, Articles, and Papers for Saturday, July 13, 2024

A selection of the most important recent news, articles, and papers about quantum computing.

Image of a cube-shaped futuristic quantum computer

News and Articles

A breakthrough on the edge: One step closer to topological quantum computing

(Wednesday, July 10, 2024) “Researchers at the University of Cologne have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum materials, potentially setting the stage for advancements in topological superconductivity and robust quantum computing / publication in ‘Nature Physics’”

Partnership boosts UK access to most powerful quantum technologies – UKRI

(Thursday, July 11, 2024) “UK industry and researchers will gain unparalleled access to the world’s most powerful quantum computers.”

Bob Sutor; Vice President and Practice Lead, Emerging Technologies, The Futurum Group will speak at IQT Quantum + AI in New York City October 29-30 – Inside Quantum Technology

(Friday, July 12, 2024) “Bob Sutor; Vice President and Practice Lead, Emerging Technologies, The Futurum Group will speak at IQT Quantum + AI in New York City October 29-30. Dr. Bob Sutor has been a technical leader and executive in the IT industry for over 40 years. He is a theoretical mathematician by training, with a Ph.D. from Princeton”

Technical Papers and Preprints

[2406.17653] Algorithmic Fault Tolerance for Fast Quantum Computing

arXiv logo(Tuesday, June 25, 2024) “Fast, reliable logical operations are essential for the realization of useful quantum computers, as they are required to implement practical quantum algorithms at large scale. By redundantly encoding logical qubits into many physical qubits and using syndrome measurements to detect and subsequently correct errors, one can achieve very low logical error rates. However, for most practical quantum error correcting (QEC) codes such as the surface code, it is generally believed that due to syndrome extraction errors, multiple extraction rounds — on the order of the code distance d — are required for fault-tolerant computation. Here, we show that contrary to this common belief, fault-tolerant logical operations can be performed with constant time overhead for a broad class of QEC codes, including the surface code with magic state inputs and feed-forward operations, to achieve “algorithmic fault tolerance”. Through the combination of transversal operations and novel strategies for correlated decoding, despite only having access to partial syndrome information, we prove that the deviation from the ideal measurement result distribution can be made exponentially small in the code distance. We supplement this proof with circuit-level simulations in a range of relevant settings, demonstrating the fault tolerance and competitive performance of our approach. Our work sheds new light on the theory of fault tolerance, potentially reducing the space-time cost of practical fault-tolerant quantum computation by orders of magnitude.”

[2407.02553] Large-scale quantum reservoir learning with an analog quantum computer

arXiv logo(Tuesday, July 02, 2024) “Quantum machine learning has gained considerable attention as quantum technology advances, presenting a promising approach for efficiently learning complex data patterns. Despite this promise, most contemporary quantum methods require significant resources for variational parameter optimization and face issues with vanishing gradients, leading to experiments that are either limited in scale or lack potential for quantum advantage. To address this, we develop a general-purpose, gradient-free, and scalable quantum reservoir learning algorithm that harnesses the quantum dynamics of neutral-atom analog quantum computers to process data. We experimentally implement the algorithm, achieving competitive performance across various categories of machine learning tasks, including binary and multi-class classification, as well as timeseries prediction. Effective and improving learning is observed with increasing system sizes of up to 108 qubits, demonstrating the largest quantum machine learning experiment to date. We further observe comparative quantum kernel advantage in learning tasks by constructing synthetic datasets based on the geometric differences between generated quantum and classical data kernels. Our findings demonstrate the potential of utilizing classically intractable quantum correlations for effective machine learning. We expect these results to stimulate further extensions to different quantum hardware and machine learning paradigms, including early fault-tolerant hardware and generative machine learning tasks.”

[2407.07202] Quantum Approximate Optimization: A Computational Intelligence Perspective

arXiv logo(Tuesday, July 09, 2024) “Quantum computing is an emerging field on the multidisciplinary interface between physics, engineering, and computer science with the potential to make a large impact on computational intelligence (CI). The aim of this paper is to introduce quantum approximate optimization methods to the CI community because of direct relevance to solving combinatorial problems. We introduce quantum computing and variational quantum algorithms (VQAs). VQAs are an effective method for the near-term implementation of quantum solutions on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices with less reliable qubits and early-stage error correction. Then, we explain Farhi et al.’s quantum approximate optimization algorithm (Farhi’s QAOA, to prevent confusion). This VQA is generalized by Hadfield et al. to the quantum alternating operator ansatz (QAOA), which is a nature-inspired (particularly, adiabatic) quantum metaheuristic for approximately solving combinatorial optimization problems on gate-based quantum computers. We discuss connections of QAOA to relevant domains, such as computational learning theory and genetic algorithms, discussing current techniques and known results regarding hybrid quantum-classical intelligence systems. We present a schematic of how QAOA is constructed, and also discuss how CI techniques can be used to improve QAOA. We conclude with QAOA implementations for the well-known maximum cut, maximum bisection, and traveling salesperson problems, which can serve as templates for CI practitioners interested in using QAOA.”

[2407.07694] Scalable, high-fidelity all-electronic control of trapped-ion qubits

arXiv logo(Wednesday, July 10, 2024) “The central challenge of quantum computing is implementing high-fidelity quantum gates at scale. However, many existing approaches to qubit control suffer from a scale-performance trade-off, impeding progress towards the creation of useful devices. Here, we present a vision for an electronically controlled trapped-ion quantum computer that alleviates this bottleneck. Our architecture utilizes shared current-carrying traces and local tuning electrodes in a microfabricated chip to perform quantum gates with low noise and crosstalk regardless of device size. To verify our approach, we experimentally demonstrate low-noise site-selective single- and two-qubit gates in a seven-zone ion trap that can control up to 10 qubits. We implement electronic single-qubit gates with 99.99916(7)% fidelity, and demonstrate consistent performance with low crosstalk across the device. We also electronically generate two-qubit maximally entangled states with 99.97(1)% fidelity and long-term stable performance over continuous system operation. These state-of-the-art results validate the path to directly scaling these techniques to large-scale quantum computers based on electronically controlled trapped-ion qubits.”


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