Data science in my book Dancing with Python

In my blog entry Quantum computing in my book Dancing with Python,” I covered what my book covers related to quantum computing. I also published the entry “Availability of my book Dancing with Python and its table of contents.”

Today, I want to specifically list what I discuss in the book in what I term “an extended definition of data science.” The core chapters are in Part III. Here are their titles, introductions, and chapter tables of contents:

III Advanced Features and Libraries

12 Searching and Changing Text

We represent much of the world’s information as text. Think of all the words in all the digital newspapers, e-books, PDF files, blogs, emails, texts, and social media services such as Twitter and Facebook. Given a block of text, how do we search it to see if some desired information is present? How can we change the text to add formatting or corrections or extract information?

Chapter 4, Stringing You Along, covered Python’s functions and methods. This chapter begins with regular expressions and then proceeds to natural language processing (NLP) basics: how to go from a string of text to some of the meaning contained therein.

12.1 Core string search and replace methods
12.2 Regular expressions
12.3 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
12.4 Summary

13 Creating Plots and Charts

Among mathematicians and computer scientists, it’s said that a picture is worth 210 words. Okay, that’s a bad joke, but it’s one thing to manipulate and compute with data, but quite another to create stunning visualizations that convey useful information.

While there are many ways of building images and charts, Matplotlib is the most widely used Python library for doing so. [MAT] Matplotlib is very flexible and can produce high-quality output for print or digital media. It also has great support for a wide variety of backends
that give you powerful mouse-driven interactivity. Generally speaking, if you have a coding project and you need to visualize numeric information, see if Matplotlib already does what you want. This chapter covers the core functionality of this essential library.

13.1 Function plots
13.2 Bar charts
13.3 Histograms
13.4 Pie charts
13.5 Scatter plots
13.6 Moving to three dimensions
13.7 Summary

14 Analyzing Data

While we can use fancy names like “data science,” “analytics,” and “artificial intelligence” to talk about working with data, sometimes you just want to read, write, and process files containing many rows and columns of information. People have been doing this interactively for years, typically using applications like Microsoft Excel® and online apps like Google Sheets™.

To “programmatically” manipulate data, I mean that we use Python functions and methods. This chapter uses the popular pandas library to create and manipulate these collections of rows and columns, called DataFrames. [PAN] [PCB] We will later introduce other methods in Chapter 15, Learning, Briefly. Before we discuss DataFrames, let’s review some core ideas from statistics.

14.1 Statistics
14.2 Cats and commas
14.3 pandas DataFrames
14.4 Data cleaning
14.5 Statistics with pandas
14.6 Converting categorical data
14.7 Cats by gender in each locality
14.8 Are all tortoiseshell cats female?
14.9 Cats in trees and circles
14.10 Summary

15 Learning, Briefly

Machine learning is not new, but it and its sub-discipline, deep learning, are now being used extensively for many applications in artificial intelligence (AI). There are hundreds of academic and practical coding books about machine learning.

This final chapter introduces machine learning and neural networks primarily through the scikit-learn sklearn module. Consider this a jumping-off point where you can use the Python features you’ve learned in this book to go more deeply into these essential AI areas if they interest you.

15.1 What is machine learning?
15.2 Cats again
15.3 Feature scaling
15.4 Feature selection and reduction
15.5 Clustering
15.6 Classification
15.7 Linear regression
15.8 Concepts of neural networks
15.9 Quantum machine learning
15.10 Summary

This book is an introduction, so my goal is to get you started on a broad range of topics. For example, here are the Python modules and packages discussed or used in each of the four chapters in Part III:

12 Searching and Changing Text: re, flashtext, spacy
13 Creating Plots and Charts: matplotlib, numpy, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
14 Analyzing Data: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, squarify, matplotlib-venn
15 Learning, Briefly: sklearn, pandas, numpy

I mention in passing in the book several other packages, such as pytorch, as pointers for further exploration. I did not include in the list above standard modules such as math, random, and sys.

Quantum computing in my book Dancing with Python

My new book, Dancing with Python: Learn Python software development from scratch and get started with quantum computing, is now available from Amazon and other sources, and I recently posted the full table of contents. Though it is an introduction to Python, albeit with discussions of several advanced modules, it provides a unified approach with quantum computing.

My approach is described in the Preface:

How do you learn to code in this new world that involves both classical and quantum hardware?

One way to do it is to learn classical computing by itself. This is the traditional way of doing it, using a language such as C, C++, JavaScript, Java, Go, or Python. Along the way, you would learn how to use extra functionality in libraries of code along with the programming tools or from a third-party provider. Examples of these are the C++ Standard Library; the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition; the Python Standard Library; or the thousands of Python packages listed in the Python Package Index.

Once you have the philosophy, syntax, structure, and idioms of the classical programming language understood, you then learn quantum computing on top of that. For example, you could use the Qiskit open source quantum computing software development kit (SDK) along with Python. These mesh together and operate exceptionally well. Thousands of people are already Qiskit coders. If you know Python, this is a great approach.

But what if you are learning to code or have only a small amount of experience? What if I could offer you the chance to learn classical and quantum computing in a unified manner? Would it be useful if I could help you understand the concepts of both so that you don’t see them as different disciplines? That’s what I do in this book.

Teaching approach in Dancing with Python

I talk about aspects of quantum computing throughout the book and in many places I provide pointers to sections in my quantum computing book Dancing with Qubits. That book is not a prerequisite for Dancing with Python, but the referenced sections will help you learn more about the topics if you wish to go deeper.

I first talk about qubits, “quantum bits”, in section 1.11. The main chapters that discuss quantum computing are 9 and 11:

9 Understanding Gates and Circuits

Classical computers use logical gates to manipulate bits. Using them, we assemble circuits to implement more complicated processes like addition and multiplication. Eventually, we get all the software that runs on computers everywhere.

Quantum computers use qubits to significantly extend the power of bits, as we saw in section 1.11. We assemble these into quantum circuits to implement algorithms.

There is a strong connection between classical and quantum computing, and a quantum computing system is a classical computing system extended with one or more quantum devices. These devices are the physical implementations of qubits and the software and hardware that control them.

This chapter examines bits and qubits, gates that operate upon them, and how we assemble them into circuits.

9.1 The software stack
9.2 Boolean operations and bit logic gates
9.3 Logic circuits
9.4 Simplifying bit expressions
9.5 Universality for bit gates
9.6 Quantum gates and operations
9.7 Quantum circuits
9.8 Universality for quantum gates
9.9 Summary

11 Searching for the Quantum Improvement

By considering new approaches and getting clever, we can develop classical algorithms that are faster than you might have expected. Using quantum techniques, we can go a step further: perform some operations faster than seems possible.

This chapter compares classical and quantum search techniques to see how extending our basic information unit from the bit to the qubit can show remarkable improvements. Note that I only discuss mainstream “universal” quantum computing and not limited-purpose systems that perform operations like simulated annealing.

11.1 Classical searching
11.2 Quantum searching via Grover
11.3 Oracles
11.4 Inversion about the mean
11.5 Amplitude amplification
11.6 Searching over two qubits
11.7 Summary

If you wish to learn more about quantum computing after reading this book, I suggest you look at

Availability of my book Dancing with Python and its table of contents

Cover of book Dancing with Python by Robert S. Sutor
My new book Dancing with Python: Learn Python software development from scratch and get started with quantum computing is now available for purchase from Amazon and Packt Publishing.

Develop skills in Python by implementing exciting algorithms, including mathematical functions, classical searching, data analysis, plotting data, machine learning techniques, and quantum circuits.

Key Features

Learn Python basics to write elegant and efficient code

Create quantum circuits and algorithms using Qiskit and run them on quantum computing hardware and simulators

Delve into Python’s advanced features, including machine learning, analyzing data, and searching


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1 Doing the Things That Coders Do

1.1 Data
1.2 Expressions
1.3 Functions
1.4 Libraries
1.5 Collections
1.6 Conditional processing
1.7 Loops
1.8 Exceptions
1.9 Records
10 Contents
1.10 Objects and classes
1.11 Qubits
1.12 Circuits
1.13 Summary

I Getting to Know Python

2 Working with Expressions

2.1 Numbers
2.2 Strings
2.3 Lists
2.4 Variables and assignment
2.5 True and False
2.6 Arithmetic
2.7 String operations
2.8 List operations
2.9 Printing
2.10 Conditionals
2.11 Loops
2.12 Functions
2.13 Summary

3 Collecting Things Together

3.1 The big three
3.2 Lists
3.3 The joy of O(1)
3.4 Tuples
3.5 Comprehensions
3.6 What does “Pythonic” mean?
3.7 Nested comprehensions
3.8 Parallel traverse
3.9 Dictionaries
3.10 Sets
3.11 Summary

4 Stringing You Along

4.1 Single, double, and triple quotes
4.2 Testing for substrings
4.3 Accessing characters
4.4 Creating strings
4.5 Strings and iterations
4.6 Strings and slicing
4.7 String tests
4.8 Splitting and stripping
4.9 Summary

5 Computing and Calculating

5.1 Using Python modules
5.2 Integers
5.3 Floating-point numbers
5.4 Rational numbers
5.5 Complex numbers
5.6 Symbolic computation
5.7 Random numbers
5.8 Quantum randomness
5.9 Summary

6 Defining and Using Functions

6.1 The basic form
6.2 Parameters and arguments
6.3 Naming conventions
6.4 Return values
6.5 Keyword arguments
6.6 Default argument values
6.7 Formatting conventions
6.8 Nested functions
6.9 Variable scope
6.10 Functions are objects
6.11 Anonymous functions
6.12 Recursion
6.13 Summary

7 Organizing Objects into Classes

7.1 Objects
7.2 Classes, methods, and variables
7.3 Object representation
7.4 Magic methods
7.5 Attributes and properties
7.6 Naming conventions and encapsulation
7.7 Commenting Python code
7.8 Documenting Python code
7.9 Enumerations
7.10 More polynomial magic
7.11 Class variables
7.12 Class and static methods
7.13 Inheritance
7.14 Iterators
7.15 Generators
7.16 Objects in collections
7.17 Creating modules
7.18 Summary

8 Working with Files

8.1 Paths and the file system
8.2 Moving around the file system
8.3 Creating and removing directories
8.4 Lists of files and folders
8.5 Names and locations
8.6 Types of files
8.7 Reading and writing files
8.8 Saving and restoring data
8.9 Summary

II Algorithms and Circuits

9 Understanding Gates and Circuits

9.1 The software stack
9.2 Boolean operations and bit logic gates
9.3 Logic circuits
9.4 Simplifying bit expressions
9.5 Universality for bit gates
9.6 Quantum gates and operations
9.7 Quantum circuits
9.8 Universality for quantum gates
9.9 Summary

10 Optimizing and Testing Your Code

10.1 Testing your code
10.2 Timing how long your code takes to run
10.3 Optimizing your code
10.4 Looking for orphan code
10.5 Defining and using decorators
10.6 Summary

11 Searching for the Quantum Improvement

11.1 Classical searching
11.2 Quantum searching via Grover
11.3 Oracles
11.4 Inversion about the mean
11.5 Amplitude amplification
11.6 Searching over two qubits
11.7 Summary

III Advanced Features and Libraries

12 Searching and Changing Text

12.1 Core string search and replace methods
12.2 Regular expressions
12.3 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
12.4 Summary

13 Creating Plots and Charts

13.1 Function plots
13.2 Bar charts
13.3 Histograms
13.4 Pie charts
13.5 Scatter plots
13.6 Moving to three dimensions
13.7 Summary

14 Analyzing Data

14.1 Statistics
14.2 Cats and commas
14.3 pandas DataFrames
14.4 Data cleaning
14.5 Statistics with pandas
14.6 Converting categorical data
14.7 Cats by gender in each locality
14.8 Are all tortoiseshell cats female?
14.9 Cats in trees and circles
14.10 Summary

15 Learning, Briefly

15.1 What is machine learning?
15.2 Cats again
15.3 Feature scaling
15.4 Feature selection and reduction
15.5 Clustering
15.6 Classification
15.7 Linear regression
15.8 Concepts of neural networks
15.9 Quantum machine learning
15.10 Summary


A Tools

A.1 The operating system command line
A.2 Installing Python
A.3 Installing Python modules and packages
A.4 Installing a virtual environment
A.5 Installing the Python packages used in this book
A.6 The Python interpreter
A.8 Visual Studio Code
A.9 Jupyter notebooks
A.10 Installing and setting up Qiskit
A.11 The IBM Quantum Composer and Lab
A.12 Linting

B Staying Current

B.3 Python expert sites
B.4 Asking questions and getting answers

C The Complete UniPoly Class

D The Complete Guitar Class Hierarchy

E Notices

E.1 Photos, images, and diagrams
E.2 Data
E.3 Trademarks
E.4 Python 3 license

F Production Notes


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Index Formatting Examples
Python function, method, and property index
Python class index
Python module and package index
General index

And the subtitle of Dancing with Python will be …

Almost two weeks ago, I put up a poll on LinkedIn asking for opinions on what should be the subtitle of my next book, Dancing with Python. Here are the poll results:

Poll results on the subtitle of Dancing with Python

The choices were:

  1. Learn to code using traditional and quantum computing techniques
  2. A unified introduction to classical and quantum Python software development
  3. Learn Python software development from scratch and get started with quantum computing

The second option had been my working subtitle for most of the writing of the book. Two weeks ago, the book’s development editor at Packt suggested that the subtitle was too academic and might not appeal to a general audience. After some back and forth, we agreed on the other two choices and I suggested we do a poll.

I’m pleased that the votes were as balanced as they were. As you can see, you all cast 589 votes and there were more than 46,000 views. While my initial choice came in first, we are going with the third choice that had the second highest vote tally:

Dancing with Python
Learn Python software development from scratch and get started with quantum computing

From the comments and other conversations, this subtitle generated the most excitement and even passion, if I may call it that. It’s very descriptive of the book and my intent in writing it, has good keywords, and I think is much less formal for than my original.

Thank you for participating and sharing your opinion! If all goes well, the book should be out in print and eBook forms from Packt by early September.

Poll on the subtitle of my next book, Dancing with Python

Packt will be publishing my next book, Dancing with Python, sometime around early September. From the draft preface:

Once you have the philosophy, syntax, structure, and idioms of the classical programming language understood, you then learn quantum computing on top of that. For example, you could use the Qiskit open-source quantum computing software development kit (SDK) along with Python. [QIS] These mesh together and operate exceptionally well. Thousands of people are already Qiskit coders. If you know Python, this is a great approach.

But what if you are learning to code or have only a small amount of experience? What if I could offer you the chance to learn classical and quantum computing in a unified manner? Would it be useful if I could help you understand the concepts of both so that you don’t see them as different disciplines? That’s what I do in this book.

One of the tricky things about writing a book is coming up with a good subtitle. It should be interesting, help with SEO, and make people want to explore more. Here are three candidate subtitles:

  • Learn to code using traditional and quantum computing techniques
  • A unified introduction to classical and quantum Python software development
  • Learn Python software development from scratch and get started with quantum computing

I would like you to help make the choice by taking this poll on LinkedIn. You can choose from among these options. Please note that if you happen to suggest something in the comments that we like and use, you are implicitly giving us all rights to do so without credit or remuneration. (Sorry for the legalize.)

Please vote!

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