[2024-06-24] Notable Recent Quantum Links, Monday Edition

Futuristic quantum computer

D-Wave announces new hybrid quantum solver for commercial applications supporting 2M variables – SiliconANGLE

(Monday, June 17, 2024) “D-Wave announces new hybrid quantum solver for commercial applications supporting 2M variables – SiliconANGLE”

C12, a French quantum computing startup founded by twin brothers, raises $19.4M | TechCrunch

(Wednesday, June 19, 2024) “C12 is announcing that it recently raised an €18 million funding round ($19.4 million at today’s exchange rate). Originally founded in 2020 as a spinoff”

Quantum QuickTake: Qubit News from Alice & Bob, Diraq, and Quantinuum

“Learn how quantum companies Alice & Bob, Diraq, and Quantinuum are advancing qubit technology through better fidelity and manufacturability.”

Germany Launches Its 1st Hybrid Quantum Computer at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre

“MUNICH, June 18, 2024 — In collaboration with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Q-Exa consortium, led by IQM Quantum Computers (IQM), […]”

CU Boulder Wins $20M to Lead National Quantum Nanofab Facility

“June 20, 2024 — Researchers at CU Boulder will soon begin work on what they’re calling the “quantum machine shop” of the 21st century. The U.S. National Science Foundation today announced […]”

Classiq Collaborates with BMW Group and NVIDIA to Drive Quantum Computing Applicability in Electrical Systems Engineering | News Direct

“Classiq Collaborates with BMW Group and NVIDIA to Drive Quantum Computing Applicability in Electrical Systems Engineering”

This Week’s Interesting Quantum Articles

Futuristic quantum computer

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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