My new book, Dancing with Python: Learn Python software development from scratch and get started with quantum computing, is now available from Amazon and other sources, and I recently posted the full table of contents. Though it is an introduction to Python, albeit with discussions of several advanced modules, it provides a unified approach with…
Tag: Amazon
Availability of my book Dancing with Python and its table of contents
My new book Dancing with Python: Learn Python software development from scratch and get started with quantum computing is now available for purchase from Amazon and Packt Publishing. Develop skills in Python by implementing exciting algorithms, including mathematical functions, classical searching, data analysis, plotting data, machine learning techniques, and quantum circuits. Key Features Learn Python…
The Amazon Kindle version of Dancing with Qubits is now available!
I’m pleased to announce that the Amazon Kindle version of my quantum computing book Dancing with Qubits is now available! This book provides a comfortable and conversational introduction to quantum computing. I take you through the mathematics you need at a pace that allows you to understand not just “what” but also “why.” When we…
Dancing With Qubits, First Edition: What about the eBook?
Yesterday was very exciting because I received my first printed copy of the book. There’s just something about holding a physical, printed book that you’ve labored over for many months. Others are starting to get their copies too, and I hope that within a couple of weeks everyone who pre-ordered the print version will have…
Dancing With Qubits, First Edition: The writing process – what format?
Before I discuss what and I how I wrote, let me talk about the markup of the book. By “markup” I mean the underlying format of the content that determines its structure such as the title page, table of contents, parts, chapters, sections, paragraphs, bibliography, and the index, along with font styles and sizes. In…