Though I would have chosen a different title for the article (lol), there is a nice interview with me in PC Quest called “Quantum Computers cannot crack Covid Vaccine gaps—Not yet!.” On that subject, though, I say Quantum computers today cannot help develop a vaccine for COVID-19 since they are simply not powerful enough yet….
Category: Quantum Computing
IEEE Quantum Week and IBM Quantum
This year’s IEEE Quantum Week is planned for October 12-16, 2020, in Denver, Colorado. IEEE Quantum Week is a multidisciplinary quantum computing venue where attendees will have the unique opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities with quantum researchers, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, students, practitioners, educators, programmers, and newcomers. The IBM Quantum team is well represented…
Tonya Hall and I talk about quantum computing and Dancing with Qubits
It was my pleasure to talk again with Tonya Hall of ZDNet about quantum computing and, in particular, my book Dancing with Qubits. You can watch the video on YouTube:
Quantum computing article today in USA Today
USA Today published an article today called “Could quantum computing help beat the next coronavirus?” where they interviewed several of us in the IBM Quantum program. While the title is far-reaching, it refers to basic research today in how quantum computing might be used for calculations in the physical sciences and chemistry, in particular. It…
Ethan Hansen and I talk about quantum computing in this new podcast
Please join Ethan Hansen and me on Spotify as we talk about quantum computing and my book Dancing with Qubits.
How to listen to my Packt podcast about quantum computing on your phone
The Packt podcast with me talking about my quantum computing and my book Dancing with Qubits is now available. Here is how you can listen to it on your iPhone. I presume the directions for Android are similar. Open the Podcasts app on your phone. Click the magnifying glass and type Packt into the search…
SoundCloud Packt podcast with me about Dancing with Qubits and #QuantumComputing
Please join Stacy Munro, Richard Gall, and me for a podcast discussion about my new book about quantum computing, Dancing with Qubits.
The Amazon Kindle version of Dancing with Qubits is now available!
I’m pleased to announce that the Amazon Kindle version of my quantum computing book Dancing with Qubits is now available! This book provides a comfortable and conversational introduction to quantum computing. I take you through the mathematics you need at a pace that allows you to understand not just “what” but also “why.” When we…
Some practical things you can do to learn about quantum computing
People often ask me “Where should I get started in order to learn about quantum computing?”. Here are several steps you can take. I work for IBM, so things I link to will often be to the IBM Quantum program. Also, I acknowledge that several of the links and videos toward the beginning involve me,…
My YouTube quantum computing playlist
I have a running YouTube playlist about quantum computing where I capture videos mostly about quantum computing in general, IBM Quantum, the Qiskit open source quantum computing development environment, and my book Dancing with Qubits.
Podcast: Meet the meQuanics with Simon Devitt and me
My podcast with Simon Devitt discussing quantum computing, IBM Quantum, and my new book Dancing with Qubits is now available on Spotify.
Dancing with Qubits is #1 on the BookAuthority list of the 13 Best New Quantum Computing Books To Read In 2020
I’m honored to have Dancing with Qubits topping this list from BookAuthority!
Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Dancing with Qubits
Packt, the publisher of my quantum computing book Dancing with Qubits, just put this excerpt from the first chapter up on its website.
CNBC video: The Hype Over Quantum Computers, Explained
Along with Professor Scott Aaronson of UT Austin and Martin Reynolds of Gartner, I’m featured in this video from CNBC:
Great review of Dancing with Qubits by The Quantum Daily
I really appreciate this review of my new book Dancing with Qubits about quantum computing by Matt Swayne at The Quantum Daily!
Dancing With Qubits, First Edition: New Facebook page
I now have a
Dancing With Qubits, First Edition: What about the eBook?
Yesterday was very exciting because I received my first printed copy of the book. There’s just something about holding a physical, printed book that you’ve labored over for many months. Others are starting to get their copies too, and I hope that within a couple of weeks everyone who pre-ordered the print version will have…
Dancing With Qubits, First Edition: What’s in the book
This morning I awoke to a very nice email from Tom Jacob, the Project Editor for my book at Packt Publishing. He said, in part, We were able to successfully ship the book to our printers. … Congratulations on achieving this milestone! As I’ve mentioned before, my book was prepared using LaTeX and not Microsoft…
Dancing With Qubits, First Edition: Drawing quantum circuits
This entry is for people who use the LaTeX document preparation system, as I did in the book. It’s not a tutorial on LaTeX in general, but shows some techniques for drawing quantum circuits. To be direct, it’s pretty geeky for LaTeX people. An early decision I had to make was how to draw quantum…
Dancing With Qubits, First Edition: My five rules for making revisions from editorial comments
Today I finished making revisions to the book based on comments from the proofreader. All told, there have been five people providing feedback and comments for how I should modify, fix, and improve the content: me the technical reviewer the project editor the development editor the proof reader My editing started as soon as I…