I’m writing something that requires me to draw many plots in the Cartesian plane R2 and so I wrote this macro to simplify the process. The arguments are
- The optional tikzpicture scaling factor
- The x-coordinate of the lower left corner
- The y-coordinate of the lower left corner
- The x-coordinate of the upper right corner
- The y-coordinate of the upper right corner
- The label for the horizontal axis
- The label for the vertical axis
It behaves nicely if any of the coordinates are 0 but does no checking for the values or placement of the corners.
I have a separate macro \tikzGridColor
that defines the grid color. At the moment it is set to a shade of blue so the graph looks like it is done on graph paper.
Scroll right to see all the code.
[sourcecode language=”tex”]\usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes,arrows,positioning}
\draw[step=#1,\tikzGridColor,very thin] (#2-0.9,#3-0.9) grid (#4+0.9,#5+0.9);
\draw[thick,<->] (#2-0.75,0) — (#4+0.75,0) node[below] {\small #6};
\draw[thick,<->] (0,#3-0.75) — (0,#5+0.75) node[left] {\small #7};
{\foreach \x in {#2,…,-1}
\draw[thick] (\x,.1) — (\x,-.1) node[below] {\tiny$\x$};
{\foreach \x in {1,…,#4}
\draw[thick] (\x,.1) — (\x,-.1) node[below] {\tiny$\x$};
{\foreach \y in {#3,…,-1}
\draw[thick] (.1,\y) — (-.1,\y) node[left] {\tiny$\y$};
{\foreach \y in {1,…,#5}
\draw[thick] (.1,\y) — (-.1,\y) node[left] {\tiny$\y$};
\node[below left] at (0,0) {\tiny$0$};